Friday, May 29, 2009

This is the email I received today.

You have met all of the necessary requirements to receive a recommendation for the following document.

Credential: P5--(Preliminary): $29.50 Single Subject Teaching Credential
Issuance: 05/29/2009

In order to complete the filing process, you must take the following steps:

1) Proceed to
2) When prompted, enter date of birth and social security number to prove identity.
3) Complete a short online form.
4) Pay the credential fee using Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card.

When completed, the application form and fee will be sent to the California Commission on Teacher
Credentialing, which reserves the final authority to grant or deny a credential.

Certified by: Kristin Luzzi

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I Make Them Think

I am not the only student teacher at my school. There is another, and she goes to a different University than I do to get her credential.
I was speaking with her on Friday, in the copy room, and she asked me about a particular student. We talked about him for a minute, and she told me that she knew him from outside of school. She asked me about him because I guess they had talked about me, which automatically would make me uncomfortable, of course. Anyway, the point is, he said he didn't like me, and that he likes their old teacher (my master teacher) more. Why is that?

Because I make them think.

I suppose, if there was any reason to be disliked, that is a good one for me.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

When The Students Are... Nice.

My kids (er well... Juniors) were odd today.  They were nice.  We exchanged a few jokes before class, poked a little fun about... and one of my students (NOT one of my good students, mind you... she is failing pretty bad) gave me a button!  It says "I <3 cats, it's people I can't stand!"

I had to yell at my freshmen today, though, because they laugh at everything.  Was I really ever that immature?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Senior Prank?

We were scheduled to finish out our last day of standardized testing today.  When we arrived at school to get in the classrooms, we found that all of the doors on our side of the building had their locks glued shut.  It was hilarious to watch administrators, one after another, try their keys in the doors - because if one key didn't work, maybe this one will...

One of the teachers also had, as he put it "a penis with hairy testicles" drawn on his door.  When they came to clean it off, I said (without thinking) "it looks like they're cleaning off your hairy testicles."

Thankfully, this whole experience only set us back 30 minutes.  Nevertheless, what a way to start out a week.