Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Death of the Writer's Notebook?

Our new quarter started on November 10, and since then we have not done a single writer's notebook entry, which accounts for my absence.  

A few things have happened, however, that are certainly noteworthy.  One, I was observed by my instructor in my 2nd period Junior class.  It went great - my kids were wonderful (that is probably my favorite class) and my teacher loved them, as well as me.  I was very excited.  I have my observation of my Freshmen tomorrow, so we shall see how that goes.  Discipline is something that may be an issue with them, because as I have previously noted, they are very immature.

I guess the only other exciting thing is that I am writing a test for my Juniors on The Crucible.  I think I am done with it, but I need to maybe cut out 3 questions, so that it is easier to assign point values.  Stupid logistical stuff, but it is weird how important that kind of thing can be.

Goals for this week (it is only a 3 day week...):
1.  Have a good observation.
2.  Finish Night with the freshmen.
3.  Give a successful test that the kids don't fail horribly.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Entry #17 - My Reflection on the First Quarter

Although this isn't my first quarter of high school ever, it is my first quarter of high school in this role.  I'm trying to decide whether or not it is more or less than I expected, and what sorts of ideas I have had to put behind me.  It has been interesting for me - but more importantly, it has gone extremely fast.  I am shocked that the first quarter is already done, and that means that after this next quarter, these classes will be my classes.  That is almost as exciting as it is terribly frightening, because I will have sole responsibility over the minds of about 100 students.  I have the opportunity to make a huge impact or to do nothing at all - and it is not all up to me, because the students have so much to do with what happens in the classroom.

I am also coming to a close on my first semester of classes in the credential program.  Those classes have been far less stressful than I would have originally imagined, and I am overall pretty happy with what happened... except I somehow feel that they left me under prepared.  But I always have a looming fear of being under-prepared.  I suppose, come February, we shall see.

As far as a reflection on my students from this first quarter, I am overall pretty pleased with the amount of diversity that I have and the very different personalities represented in my classes.  Although I wish I had more students that fell into the exceptional category, I do have to remember that most of them are doing their best, and as long as I know that, that is all that matters.  They are far more complex than they let on, which I only know because of things like their writer's notebooks and, for my juniors, their journal entries.  

I look forward to the next quarter, and seeing what I can do.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Day in History.

One of my juniors asked my master teacher who she was voting for.  Of course, she can't answer that question - but it lead me wondering two things.  One, who was she voting for?  And, two, why didn't anyone ask me?  I only ponder the first question because I think, in California, who you vote for really does say a lot about your beliefs, because we are a guaranteed blue state.  And, of course, because I am nosy and think that kind of thing is my business.

But two really intrigues me more, because do they assume that because I am a young person that I would vote a certain way?  Generally I have no qualms about stating my political affiliations, as I do not believe I should have to hide my beliefs.  But, the position of teacher holds an interesting conundrum for me on that level.  We have been taught repeatedly in our education classes that our beliefs - political, religious, etc - must be checked at the door.  This, I have observed through seeing so many of my fellow credential candidates, won't be such an easy thing for many people.  But how easy will it be for me, too?  

What the most important thing to realize, on this day, is what a great day in history this is.  This is regardless of whether or not you think Obama should have won this election.  Think:  it was September 22, 1862 when Abraham Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamation.  Today, November 4, 2008, an African-American has been elected to be the President of that same United States of America.  This is a day in history, no matter if you are a supporter of Obama or not.

Tonight, I am proud to be an American.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Entry #16 - My Role Within The Family

In my immediate family, I am the baby.  When I lived at home, I didn't really have chores or many responsibilities, because my mom didn't work.  I was also the annoying little sister - a part I played all too well for my mean older brother!  Now that I don't live at home, my role is to get done with school and get a job so that I can pay my parents back someday.  Not something I look forward to (the paying back part, I mean).

I don't feel as though I have a role yet in my extended family.  I am too old to be one of the "kids," but too young to be married and have kids of my own.  I almost feel as though it is easy for me to slip into the abyss of my family and be overwhelmed by all of the large personalities therein - which I don't really mind, oddly enough.

As for now, living on my own, my role is to be a good mother to my two kittens, and a good friend and roommate, which is much harder than it sounds when I have to balance everything else in my life, too.