But two really intrigues me more, because do they assume that because I am a young person that I would vote a certain way? Generally I have no qualms about stating my political affiliations, as I do not believe I should have to hide my beliefs. But, the position of teacher holds an interesting conundrum for me on that level. We have been taught repeatedly in our education classes that our beliefs - political, religious, etc - must be checked at the door. This, I have observed through seeing so many of my fellow credential candidates, won't be such an easy thing for many people. But how easy will it be for me, too?
What the most important thing to realize, on this day, is what a great day in history this is. This is regardless of whether or not you think Obama should have won this election. Think: it was September 22, 1862 when Abraham Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamation. Today, November 4, 2008, an African-American has been elected to be the President of that same United States of America. This is a day in history, no matter if you are a supporter of Obama or not.
Tonight, I am proud to be an American.
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