Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Student Teachers Get the Short End of the Stick.

My master teacher called out yesterday.  And today.  Which would be fine, except they call in a substitute teacher that gets to sit around and do NOTHING for two class periods while I teach the class.  And who gets paid?  They do.  Not me.

That is so frustrating.  And I theoretically could substitute for my teacher, but the district has to have openings for substitutes so that I can be employed as one and so they can pay me for that.

It is very frustrating.  I want money.  Sigh.

Monday, December 1, 2008

My Feelings

One of our teachers at the school I am at passed away over the long weekend.  This is always one of those slightly odd "in limbo" situations for me. Do I appologize for the loss?  It's not my fault or anyone else's, so is that what I should do?  I am never exactly sure.  I didn't even actually know this person - though he was a science teacher and I spent some time talking to their department head.  regardless, it is very bizarre - to think someone who is, for all intents and purposes, a colleague, has died, is weird.

When a coworker of mine at Best Buy died a little less than a year ago, even those who did not know him well were affected.  That is not too different from now, because, like my store was one store, it is one school that feels a loss.

The students are supposed to be writing about their feelings, which is why I wrote this.  It has been a strange morning - they came in quiet and have remained that way.  One student went down to the campus theater to talk to the school psychologists, I think he may be on the water polo team that the teacher coached.