Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Another Year, Another Waiting Game

It's been another year, and I am still not teaching. In fact, I'm not in the Master's program anymore because of that. It felt like asking a doctor to explain how to do surgery without ever actually having performed it before.

Although I am no longer working for minimum wage, I am still in retail, working for a company I swore I would never work for again. However, it is a different place and a different time, and though it's not teaching English, I still teach on a daily basis. It allows me to tap into another one of my passions (this time, photography), so to some extent it keeps me happy. I like my job - but I love my career and want it to start so that I can get that special fulfillment in my life that I miss so much.

I've been tutoring a couple of middle school students once a week to keep myself sharp and make a little extra cash. It has helped a lot with my need to teach, but it's just grammar and writing, not literature. I want to read beautiful poetry and literature and break it down and show young minds how to understand and love it as much as I do. I want to teach.

I want to teach.