Monday, October 27, 2008

Entry #14 - People I Can Count On

Sometimes, I am not sure who I have to count on.  Most of the people I have trusted deeply or held as my closest friends have hurt me in one way or another too severely to forgive.  Although I have a lot of friends, there are few I would ask much from.

When I think of people I can count on, my parents and my brother are the ones that really come to mind immediately.  My parents have always been the most supportive people in my life, and I know they will always be there for me when I need them.  The same goes for my brother, although it hasn't always been that way.  In April, though, when I was scared of what my future would bring, my brother was there to help m,e and made me feel like everything was going to be okay.

The other person I know I can count on for anything is my boyfriend - and yes, I do realize that sounds cheesy and gag-worthy.  The guarded, scared, and damaged little girl side of me hesitates to say that, but in my heart I know how honest he is, and he has shown me everyday that he will be there for me, and that together, we can get through anything.  Of course, that scared, guarded side of me hopes I don't eat those words in the future.