Yesterday, we gave the Juniors an open book test on Act 1 of The Crucible. I graded them last night, and had very few A's. Can someone explain that to me? I am realizing constantly how jaded I am from my high school experiences in honors and AP classes, but thankful that I have managed to not hold this against my students. It isn't their fault... well, it is some of their fault. Like the kid that admitted to us that he wasn't paying attention, and that is why he got a 7/30 on his open book test. I said to him, "you couldn't have even looked for the answers in the book? I mean, really, at least learn how to fake it." I should know, I was an expert at "faking it" and "b.s." in both high school and college. Uh... I mean... I was an excellent student...
Now, onto my titular topic. My freshmen class has been unbearably immature lately. We're talking paper throwing, giggling, poking, calling out, etc levels of immaturity. Which has caused me to compare them to the first and second graders that I tutor, because I go through a pretty similar situation on a daily basis with them, too. So, you ask, who wins? I have two second graders that are definitely more mature than four or five of my freshmen. Thankfully, the other 15 of my freshmen are reasonably more mature... but only three impress me with their maturity (interestingly enough, they are all girls). One kid is so bad, he was suspended from school, but I am also pretty sure that he has ADHD.
Next week, we are doing a lesson plan that I created myself. I hope it goes well.
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